2022 Reflections…

Achievements & Happiness

As I sit here on 3rd January 2023, now that Christmas, Thea’s birthday and our wedding anniversary celebrations are over (it’s a seriously busy week in this house!)…

I now have the time and space to reflect back on my achievements in 2022. Some of the achievements sound big, but didn’t feel it. Some sound tiny but feel huge. Achievements are personal and it’s all about what brings HAPPINESS for me, rather than just hitting a goal.

Below are what I class as my achievements for the year, big and small. I have also included some of my clients achievements in a separate list below – and I have learned that writing that list in itself is one of my top achievements – that list makes me happier than anything on mine.

So take some time to reflect on 2022, think about what you have achieved, what made you HAPPY and what loved ones have achieved that made you happy also. Let’s start 2023 with some gratitude and happiness at the forefront!

My Achievements:

  • x1 Retreat – first collaboration with Mojofit and a new one coming in Feb too!

  • x1 Client drinks – first EJF client event, next one coming in the Spring!

  • x2 new services – monthly retainer for established clients and Power Hour sessions for 1 off service

  • x1 trip aboard for work – meeting clients in Monaco and creating a collaboration idea for them

  • x4 guest podcast episodes – series with Suzanne George

  • Re-do of website - learnt how to do it ALL myself, including adding calendar and payment systems

  • Fit for 40 – regular and consistent bike classes June-September!

  • 40th Birthday celebrations!!

  • Holidays – x3 girls trips, x2 family holidays

  • Luca starting school

  • Creating a new office – I decamped to the playroom when husband’s job required me to vacate my lovely office & have now reset my office again

  • CPD training - remembering how much I love my job and learning

  • #Iamremarkable training - watch this space….

  • Blog launched on my website – almost monthly posts!

  • School summer holiday off work

  • Time with friends

My Clients’ Achievements:

  • Dressing female member of Royal family for Platinum Jubilee & Queen’s funeral

  • Dressing dream client - front pages of national & international publications

  • Creating a new company and starting out in business

  • Writing a Book

  • Getting Engaged!

  • Enrolling in a higher education diploma course

  • Invited to be a guest speaker at week long conference

  • Resigning from job of 15 years

  • Saying “No” to anyone other than dream client

  • Receiving funding for a new app

  • Collaborations

  • Successful first year in business

  • Setting boundaries and sticking to them

  • Speaking at conference in second language

  • Pivoting business to new niche

  • Changing companies


New Year, New Mindset


EJF Client Drinks