Finding Balance

Work/Life Blend Tips to be a Successful Mother, Have a Thriving Career AND put Yourself First

Want to know why we talk about Balance & Blend?!

Because it’s not possible to have it ALL at the same Time… But it IS possible to work out how your Work/Life Blend & Balance is right for you & it starts with two key elements of my new ELEVATE service:

🔹 Deciding which are your Glass Balls, Plastic Balls & 🪩
🔹 Using your own Oxygen Mask first

The pressure to juggle multiple roles of: mother, career and prioritising self-care can feel totally overwhelming – and lead to serious Mum-guilt.

We can’t "have it all" simultaneously, the reality is that finding balance isn't about having it ALL at once — it's about prioritising what matters most, AND making intentional choices to support your well-being. And know this can change week to week/month by month.

Read on for some practical tips for mastering the art of work/life blend:

  • Embrace Prioritisation

One of the keys to achieving balance is recognizing that you can't do everything at once. Focus on what matters most to you in the present moment — whether it's quality time with your family, advancing your career or prioritising self-care. Identify your top priorities and allocate your time and energy in line with them.

Think about the Glass Balls, Plastic Balls & Disco Balls analogy I talk about. - by focusing on what truly matters, you can avoid spreading yourself too thin and feeling overwhelmed.


  • Set Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries between your work life and personal life is essential for maintaining balance and preventing blurred lines & burnout. Define specific times for work, family, and self-care activities, and communicate these boundaries to others can make a huge difference. Create dedicated time blocks for focused work, quality time with your family, and activities that recharge your batteries. Remember that setting boundaries is not selfish—it's essential for protecting your well-being and ensuring that you can show up as your best self in every aspect of your life.

  • Practice Self-Care Consistently

As a mother and career woman, it's easy to prioritise the needs of others above your own. However, neglecting self-care can lead to exhaustion, stress, and diminished overall well-being. Think of the oxygen mask analogy I talk about (you have to fit yours first) and make self-care a non-negotiable part of your daily routine by scheduling time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Whether it's exercise, meditation, or simply enjoying a moment of quiet reflection (a long soak in the bath say or reading a good book). Ensure you prioritise activities that replenish your energy reserves and light you up!

  • Cultivate Flexibility and Resilience

Embrace flexibility and resilience when navigating the roller-coaster that is Mum-Life! Remember that setbacks happen and see them as opportunities for growth & learning, approach challenges with a positive mindset, think of how you would explain it to your little ones in being able to flip perspective. By remaining flexible and resilient, you can navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and maintain a sense of balance amidst chaos.


  • Seek Support and Delegate Responsibilities

You don't have to do it all alone. Don't be afraid to ask for help or lean on your support network when needed (other Mums love to help because we may need to ask for a favour back). Delegate anything you can to your partner/family members to lighten your load and create that space for self-care and personal fulfilment.

Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and that collaboration and support are essential components of achieving balance and success.

Think of the oxygen mask analogy again. You don't have to do it all alone: IT TAKES A VILLAGE!!

Finding the balance that works for you as a mother requires intention, prioritisation, and self-awareness. AND by embracing prioritisation, setting boundaries, practicing consistent self-care, cultivating flexibility & resilience, and seeking support, you can create a work/life blend that works for you - allows you to thrive in every aspect of your life while prioritising your well-being.

We can't have it all at once, but with mindful choices you can create a life that is fulfilling, balanced, and aligned with your values and goals.

If you want to explore creating your Work/Life Balance. Book a Call with me!


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