Words Have Power…

How do you talk to yourself?

How do you talk to yourself? And I’ll give you a clue here, if it’s not how you would speak to your best friend then it’s time to change that!!

Your choice of words to yourself will impact your not only your mindset but your mood, actions and your habits too. Your inner voice is so important, what we say about ourselves and to ourselves has a HUGE impact on self esteem.

You know how powerful your mind is, so:

Don’t feed it with negative thoughts and statements. 

DO make sure you use kind and uplifting language - just as you would to someone you love.

4 ways to talk yourself up

  1. Listen to what you’re saying to yourself. Would you talk to a friend like that? What about your best friend?

  2. Challenge your self talk. Is there any evidence to back this up? Step back and ask yourself – is this really true?

  3. Change your self talk – Reframe to positive language e.g. I can learn from this and grow (instead of “I can’t do this”).

  4. Make a list of positive statements about yourself, take the time to reflect and think back on all your achievements and write down 10 statements about you that show what you are capable of and how loved you are. Keep this somewhere you can easily refer to (on a post it in plain sight perhaps).

The way you talk to yourself matters, talk to yourself like you do your best friend. If you don't already, then start talking to yourself with these kinds words...

And Remember them⁠:

  • You are wildly capable

  • You are valuable & important

  • You are strong

  • You are enough


In recent times I think we are all pretty familiar with the saying below:

“In a world where you can be anything – be kind”

Well kindness starts within - so please be kind to you!

And if this is something you’d like to explore me, drop me an email: liz@ejfcoaching.com

(And for the Mums reading this, the way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.)


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