Size REALLY doesn’t matter!

Me: far right dancing the day away in a swimming costume - something I never would have dreamed of posting or sharing - but an important lesson below!

Size REALLY doesn’t matter - this is something I have been saying to my kids for the past year, especially my youngest, who is petite for his age and very bothered about the age on his clothing labels. Having initially cut the labels out to do away with the daily battle on this, recently I have gone out of my way at great length to explain to him:

It doesn’t matter at all what the label says, how old or how new the item of clothing is, it’s how it feels when you wear it that counts.

A good life lesson that I certainly haven’t taken my own advice on - until this past weekend!!

Last weekend was one of my absolute best friend’s 40th birthdays in Portugal - 50 friends and family (from all parts of the world and times of her live) converged together, for the best pool party I have ever been too …. There are several reasons it was the best - trust me - but genuinely I think the No.1 reason was because I didn’t care what I was wearing, how my body looked, how uncomfortable I could have been in a swimming costume all day around friends and strangers - there was no judgement. We were all different sizes. I stopped breathing in for the photos and I let my hair down, dancing the day and night away.

In advance our girls WhatsApp group had been blowing up on outfit chat: a mixture of high success and also disappointed comments from Zara shopping trips - I finally decided after seeing several Instagram videos on this recently, that sod what the label says, and I do think Zara is a law to itself in this especially! Because there is no size Small, Medium or Large that transcends shops/brands - I decided that I would only buy size Large and if it fits fab and if not, that wasn’t the style for me. I’ve finally grown up and seen sense, listened to my own advice - I’m a 40yr old Mum of two why the hell do I need to fit into a small or a medium to feel good?! It’s nonsense!

I realised that size doesn’t matter, my costume was the right size for me and so I was as comfortable as I could be. And then I had the best time because I was at ease with myself.

Us girls got together at one point in the evening, as the sun was setting (and the drink had been flowing for a while) and discussed our bodies, because you know we all felt a little exposed being in swimwear all day - that is the truth. And we all admired body parts of others that we preferred to ours, we then told each other off for not loving ourselves as we are - grabbed another drink and carried on as we were - literally living our best lives, letting it all hang out, in our swimming costumes. Because we realised that our ideal summer body is our body, in summer. Simple.

The moral of the weekend and a lesson for life is: Size doesn’t matter, it’s how you feel in what you are wearing and who you are with that counts.

And I for one was raising a glass to that! Cheers to our summer bodies!


#IAmRemarkable - Certified Facilitator!


Ted Lasso: Life Lessons